Tips and Tricks on Making SEO Blog Optimization

Tips and Tricks on Making SEO Blog Optimization - The best way to blog articles could appear on the first page of search results is to register your blog on google and search engine optimization SEO webmaster bing done on the blog and every article that is in the blog.

Perform optimization on a blog requires editing HTML code, while optimizing the blog articles require proper keyword selection and installing the correct keyword in the article.

Without doing SEO optimization on a blog, it is fair if the articles do not appear on the front page of search results serach engine.

By using the Mozilla Firefox browser, in many ways you can do to make the optimization SEO blogs and articles in it. One way you can do is to use SEO DOCTOR.

SEO Doctor is one of the add / Mozilla Add Ons that can help analyze the SEO Blogger Blog in a blog or an article or two. By using the add-Seo Doctor, we will not know which SEO Optimization is done so that we can find ways to overcome them.

How to Use SEO Doctor
To do with Seo Optimization Seo Blog Doctor, the first condition that must be met is to use Mozilla Firefox as a browser in Blogging activities. Therefore, if you do not have mozilla browser, mozilla firefox download first the latest version with the Indonesian language at: and install on your computer.

The next step is to install the Add Ons in Mozilla Firefox SEO Doctor.
Here's how:

A. Click >>> "Install Seo Doctor"

2. Click the "Add To Firefox"

3. Click the "POST".

4. Restart (Close and reopen) Mozilla Firefox.

5. Press CTRL + Shift + letter A on your keyboard to open the mozilla add-ons window. Once the add-ons window opens, click the "Extension"

6. Click the "Settings" next to the add-Seo Doctor

7. Perform the settings exactly as shown below and click "OK" (click image to enlarge)

8. Open the Homepage (Home page) of your blog and look for the flag image in the browser bar.

Green colored flags mean SEO Optimization is a very nice blog homepage

Yellow-colored flag means there's a problem or just a warning

Red-colored flag means a lot of SEO optimization problem in your blog, and should be repaired.

Do the same thing to analyze the SEO optimization of each article in the blog is to open the article page and note the color of the flag Firefox SEO Doctor.

to overcome the problem of optimization SEO blog, please read the article about.
Troubleshooting Optimization SEO Blog